Digital Dental Solutions


Multi-scenario application in fields such as implantology,orthodontics, and prosthetics, with optional small platform support for chairside restoration.

Orthodontic and Restorative Applications

Full-plate orthodonticmodels

23 minutes:8 models

Print with Focus Ultra

Dental model

Resin consumption 7.08 ml

Average cost per dental model as low as $0.7

Chairside Applications

5 min

Temporary inlays successfully printed

10 min

Crowns successfully printed

Expanded cooperation with Medit, with Medit Link
providing one-click access to FlashReady.

Lower costs for the same level of
print quality; better print quality for equipment at the same price.

FlashReady's professional engineer mode easily unlocks compatibility with local resins.

Newly upgraded slicing software
FlashReady, with a more user-
friendlyand professional interface.

Resin Series


Newly Upgraded Auto 3D Slicer,
Easy Operation, Professional Output

Success stories

Flashforge Helped Shandong University of Technology Win the Second Prize in Formula Student Combustion China

Zhejiang Flashforge Group Co., Ltd. helped Shandong University of Technology win the second prize in the China Formula Student Racing Competition. Flashforge takes you back to review the grand competition of the 2023 China Formula Student Car Competition.

More success stories

After-Sales Service & Commitment

Supports third-party resin printing
parameter testing.

Supports sample printing and